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《希望》 5 -- 听呆瓜



发表于 2011-9-2 00:12:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Endy_Moon 于 2011-9-2 00:13 编辑

     如同一切神话和传说里形容的,男女是互补的。结合成一个完整的圆。热情的配冷淡的,多言的配沉默的,黑的配白的,胖的配瘦的即使中间过程中大家显得很不乐意,但结果都是这样的。像我这样倒霉的人,需要一个幸运的人来解围。有一句很精辟的话——我觉得很精辟——“男人总是记得让自己哭的女人,女人总是记得让自己笑的男人,而往往女人最后留在了让自己哭的男人身边,而男人却留下了让自己笑的女人…” 我始终觉得这话很矛盾,直到遇到小千。当时我们是这样一种关系。她有男朋友,而我没有女朋友。她的男朋友对她不好,她就找我诉苦,心情好点之后继续回去男朋友那里让他发泄,然后再把这怨气发泄给我,如此循环。这种怨气在我这里没有出口,而这种怨气的起点竟然是一个很没出息,但一切更没出息的人都玩得不亦乐乎的游戏,叫《魔兽世界》。但,这样一个没有希望又不能用来骂人的破游戏竟然促使我和小千走在一起。这是种很微妙的关系:明明是友情,却无限地接近爱情。她说好想光明正大地和我恋爱。但是不行,她爱他。我说,我懂。然后脑子里就浮现出上面那句所谓很精辟的话
后来我找到了一个方式,是我临时想到的,但是很经典——我觉得很经典——我让她也来玩《希望》,然后在《希望》里我们光明正大的恋爱。她同意了。然后我给她解释了《希望》的含义。《希望》的原名是seal,直译为封印,《seal the love》(封印之爱)是这个游戏的主题,至于为什么要音译为希望,至今不清楚。我的理解是:我们这段封印在游戏中的爱情,给了我们希望。当然只是我这么觉得,而已。这段爱情看起来很奇怪,但,它确实很合适,因为它是互补的。小千就是那个幸运的人。



发表于 2012-7-27 13:59:03 | 显示全部楼层

Shallow smile

quietly sobbed the advent of the moment i need to cry cover up the lonely, silent , and let the wind to see the heartache , the wind gentle breeze teardrop of rain , with the flying dance bring the wings of hope . may the wind always wind doomed wanderer in the earth , to wear to edges at the end of the world , would it be possessed while docked . wind : not to whom sad , tired, rest in my arms , the rain smiling refused , because she knew the wind chic and fragile, she needs to rely on the wind can not be given ... ... because the attachment of the wind , the rain is no longer alone , even if there is chaos and confusion with the sigh of the wind drift in the dust ,godex, leaving only a hint of melancholy and a slight smile , looking at the back of the wind rain laugh filled the hearts of the sad taste of an have a moment, let the hearts of the rain around the corner , when the footsteps of the rain want to wind ,zebra, only to find life is doomed to pass with the wind the rain is still under is to wait or to cover up the hope or disappointment . perhaps those not in the important . many things did not eternal and no results , but beautiful still beautiful , brilliant , still glorious , why should they care about the length of time ,vestido de novia, then why bother beating around the bush to seek the cause and effect , and perhaps those are not the perfect ending has already sketched in the bottom of my heart the most perfect memories .



 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-27 14:17:25 | 显示全部楼层
庄佳乱整 发表于 2012-7-27 13:59
quietly sobbed the advent of the moment i need to cry cover up the lonely, silent , and let the wind ...

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